5 Important Types of People To Have in Your Life

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If you stopped and took a look at the types of people who you are surrounded by, what qualities do you notice about those people? Do you tend to surround yourself with very similar people or a variety of different types of people?

How do those people play a role in your life? Are they active or passive participants in your life? 

I want you to stop and think about what you are currently doing in your life and what you desire to do in your life. Are you living the life you desire or just merely dreaming about it?

Did you know that the people you surround yourself with can make an impact on the success of your life; whether it be positive or negative?

If you surround yourself with people who are always negative, have a victim mentality, or are pessimistic then you are less likely able to achieve the life you desire because of the voices and mindsets that surround you.

On the other hand, if you are surrounded by positive people who desire success for not only themselves but for you, then you are more likely to be successful because of the atmosphere you are a part of. Those people are going to motivate and encourage you to keep moving toward the life you desire.

Related Post: Why I Pray for Myself and Why You Should Too

There are certain types of people that you need in your life to reach your goals and these different types of people all play different roles. One person cannot and will not embody each of these roles.

Types of People You NEed

The One Who Prays

This is the person who will always keep you lifted in prayer no matter what you are going through. They are the person you go to when you need spiritual encouragement. They are the ones you can call any time of the day when you need prayer.

Having a spiritual connection is so important as you move forward in everything God has planned for you. This person will be the one reminding you what the Word of God says when the enemy tries to knock you off track with a bunch of lies.

The Encourager

This is the person who is the cheerleader for your life. They are the ones who will encourage and support you through life’s ups and downs. They will cheer for you and root you on as you take the steps needed toward the life you desire.

They are going to be the ones to keep pushing you to move even when you are ready to stop. This person is an eternal optimist.

The Coach/Developer

This is the person that will help you to become a better version of yourself and will teach you the skills that are necessary for you to move forward. They are going to see things in you that you may not see for yourself and work with you to develop those gifts and strengths.

They are also going to hold you accountable for what you said you were going to do. This person is going to call you out when you are doing things you’re not supposed to be doing or saying things you’re not supposed to be saying.

This person is not your friend and should not be treated as one. When they tell you to jump, you ask them how high, because they have already done the work to get to the level you are working towards.

Sometimes this person may be someone that is not physically in your life, but someone you look up to. There may be an online person you follow and listen to what they are teaching and can pull things out of you if you allow yourself to do the work.

The Friend

This is the person that you consider a friend and confidante. Someone that you can trust with anything you share with them. They are the one who loves and supports you, but will also be honest with you.

This person will be there for you regardless of what is going on. They are going to celebrate with you and cry with you. This is the person who is going to love you regardless of what is happening.

The Colleague

This is the person who is working in the same field as you but is not above you. They are the ones who can assist you in growing in the field you are in. This is the person you are working alongside as you continue to learn and grow from each other.

They will be problem-solving with you as you encounter new issues or show you how they worked through different things. They will have different experiences than you, but you will be able to learn from each other.

Where Do I Find These People?

You may or may not already have these types of people in your life. What happens if you don’t have all of them already? The first thing I would do is pray and ask God to send those people to you. I believe very strongly in the power of prayer.

For this reason I am telling you, whatever things you ask for in prayer [in accordance with God’s will], believe [with confident trust] that you have received them, and they will be given to you.

Mark 11:24

Once you have prayed, allow God to show you who those people are in your life. They may not look the way you picture them, so be open to who God is leading you to. Only God knows a person’s heart and who is right for you. 

But the Lord said to Samuel, “Do not look at his appearance or at the height of his stature, because I have rejected him. For the Lord sees not as man sees; for man looks at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart.”

1 Samuel 16:7

You might consider someone from your church or someone in your job to be one of those people. You may also consider someone from your dream job as a colleague so you can learn more about the field you desire to be in.

In Conclusion

Do you already have these types of people in your life? How do they play a part in your life? What role do you play in the life of those around you?

Are there any other types of people you feel are important to have in your life?

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