Meet Amanda

I started this business because I desire for every woman to love themselves the way God created them to be. It took me many years to recognize my own greatness and that my life has purpose. Through my process of healing and self-discovery came my two greatest love stories-my love for God and my love for myself. It wasn’t too long after that journey that I experienced my third love story-the one with my incredible husband Leon.

My entire life I grew up never knowing who I truly was. Growing up like this caused low self-esteem, low self-image, depression, and always feeling like my life had no direction. After having a complete breakdown in my prayer room one evening, I decided to completely surrender my life to God and allowed Him to show me who I truly was. This process, though painful at times, completely changed the trajectory of my life.

My hope is to encourage other women that their life is worth living, they are worthy, and that they have purpose. I desire to give you tools and strategies to learn to love yourself as the woman God created you to be. To see yourself through God’s lens, and not the one the world has tried to put in front of you.

Amanda Brown

Encourager of Embracing Your Authentic Self